Description du projet

[texte ci-dessous issu de Data Terra]

Le projet européen FAIR-EASE fait partie du programme HORIZON INFRA 2021 EOSC. Ce projet vise à implémenter des services distribués et intégrés pour l’observation et la modélisation du système terrestre, de l’environnement et de la biodiversité en collaboration avec les communautés d’utilisateurs, l’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) et les infrastructures de recherche.

Le projet permettra d’implémenter un service FAIR-EASE de découverte et d’accès aux données, en s’appuyant sur des services existants pré-opérationnels, afin de fournir aux utilisateurs un outil facile et FAIR pour la découverte et l’accès à des ensembles de données environnementales multidisciplinaires. Il propose également la mise en place d’un laboratoire d’analyse de la Terre FAIR-EASE avec une connectivité EOSC supportant, par le biais d’interfaces web, des outils de traitement prédéfinis et des services de visualisation de données à la demande pour l’analyse et le traitement à distance de données hétérogènes.

Enfin, le projet FAIR-EASE développera un certain nombre de projets pilotes multidisciplinaires pour valider et démontrer les capacités du service FAIR-EASE à soutenir la science ouverte. Ces projets pilotes sont regroupés dans 3 thématiques :

Implication du PNDB

Il y a au total 12 livrables et le PNDB est spécifiquement impliqué dans les livrables :

This deliverable provides the Initial Data and Project Management Plan of the FAIR-EASE project, describing the comprehensive life cycle of the data to be considered, collected, processed and generated throughout the project.

The Data Management Plan is under the project coordination responsibility and is part of WP1 - Task T1.3. It contains the description of how the data will be collected, re-used, processed and generated during the FAIR-EASE project implementation and how they will be handled after the end of the project. Based on FAIR principles, this deliverable defines the methodology and standards to handle any data/research outputs; how these data/research outputs are shared and/or made open within the definition and scope of the EOSC vision.

The Project Management Plan is under the project management and coordination responsibility and is part of WP1. It contains the description of the main processes of the project as well as its management structure, completing both the project Grant and Consortium Agreements. The PMP is conceived as a general guide for the partners of the consortium to access the details procedures of the project everyday life implementation. The FAIR-EASE PMP is based on the European project management methodology Open PM² adapted to the needs and specificities of Horizon Europe Collaborative Projects.

The overall objective of the FAIR-EASE project is to customise and operate integrated and distributed services for observation and modelling of the Earth System, environment, and biodiversity by improving the technology readiness level (TRL) of their different components implemented in close cooperation with user communities, the EOSC, and research infrastructures in their design and sustainable availability. 

Among these services, an Earth Analytical Lab (EAL), with EOSC connectivity, through web-based interfaces, predefined processing tools and on-demand data visualisation services for remote analysis and processing of heterogeneous data facilitating cross-disciplinary collaboration, reducing the time to produce results, and increasing efficiency will be set-up in the WP3. 

This report outlines the specifications of the EAL, including details about its main modules, a macroscopic implementation plan, and collaborations with other EOSC projects.


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